Tuesday 7 December 2010

The misery continues

Traffic jams

Yesterday we were bombarded with more snow and treated to the most extreme conditions yet.  It seemed the entire country's transport network ground to a halt.  Drivers trapped in their cars all day and overnight on the M8 and other major routes, road closures, people stranded overnight at their work, schools made into make shift dormitories... even our local bus network was suspended for a few hours yesterday afternoon which caused major uproar especially as we live in one of Scotland's main cities. I've used a  photo from the BBC news website showing just some of the chaos on the roads.

The Other Half was lucky as he'd managed to drive into work and although his usual half hour journey home turned into nearly an hour and a half, he was more fortunate than many others and we were all tucked up warm and cosy indoors by 6pm last night.

The Little One and I are still snowed in - day 11 and counting - and I'm running out of ideas of how to amuse ourselves.  CBeebies has became the most popular daytime TV channel over the past week as the Little One starts to take more of an interest in that big box in the corner of the room.  It's amusing to watch him when something comes on that grabs his attention - the whole world except the TV fades out to nonexistance.  Current favourites appear to be Waybuloo, Chuggington, the Story Train and the Tweenies. 

Whilst it doesn't feel like a whole 2 months since we began weaning (but my calendar tells me it is) it continues to be going well.  The Little One is keen to get his hands into his food, loves his finger food and other than egg, seems to eagerly gobble everything (especially if it's food that mummy or daddy are eating).  The one issue we're having though is convincing him to use a cup rather than his bottle.  It's been a daily battle for the past few weeks and  sometimes, if we're lucky, he'll take an ounce or two, before promptly pushing the cup away and refusing to take anymore and crying for his bottle.  Hoohum.

His new favourite past time is crawling and standing up.

He'll soon be cruising along the corner couch to his box of toys and Christmas tree to see what he can grab!

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