Wednesday 15 December 2010

Don't panic

We did indeed manage to venture outdoors on Friday.  Admittedly it was only to the local supermarket and Post Office, but that's okay as we managed to escape our fevered cabin for a few hours.  Hurrah!

Our joy at leaving the house was evident.  The Little One sat in the trolley for hours, content at watching anything and everything without the hint of boredom. I on the other hand didn't mind the 15 minute wait at the PO whilst we queued and then slowly got all the packages weighed and posted off, then happily spent over two hours in the supermarket going up and down every aisle.  This may be the cure to my impatience - lock me up for over a week! 

Thursday 9 December 2010

The 52 Marvelous Makes Madness Challenge

Whilst catching up with the blogs I read regularly, I stumbled across a fantastic blog and the equally fantastic creation of The 52 Marvelous Makes Madness Challenge (T52MMMC).  What is this you ask?  Well, if you've clicked on the link you'll now a have fair idea, but essentially it's the opportunity to create one item a week for the next 52 weeks (yes dear folks, gulp, one year).   There are no strict rules and what you make is entirely up to you.  Be it knitting, embroidery, baking or any other craft or talent you have or would like to learn.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

This is Big Brother. You have been evicted. Please leave the house.

Winter Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook
It hasn't snowed for over 36 hours (and counting), the Other Half was able to use the car to get to work today, the sun is shining and a hint of normality is spreading across our little bit of the world.

With a little luck the Little One and I may be able to venture outside tomorrow, a thought which has given me a much needed spring in my step this morning!

Our little nest has had a much needed clean and tidy by moi, Christmas presents for afar have been packaged up and are now ready for posting, the Little Ones clothes have had a through weeding out of those that are now getting on the small side, hey I've even cleaned out my inbox.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

The misery continues

Traffic jams

Yesterday we were bombarded with more snow and treated to the most extreme conditions yet.  It seemed the entire country's transport network ground to a halt.  Drivers trapped in their cars all day and overnight on the M8 and other major routes, road closures, people stranded overnight at their work, schools made into make shift dormitories... even our local bus network was suspended for a few hours yesterday afternoon which caused major uproar especially as we live in one of Scotland's main cities. I've used a  photo from the BBC news website showing just some of the chaos on the roads.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Saturday 4 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010


It's official.  I am soooo over the snow. It was pretty to look at but now go away please.  I'm getting cabin fever and there aren't any signs that the Little One or I will be getting out any time soon.

The Other Half on the other hand is getting driving withdrawls - no car since Sunday does not make for a happy chappy.

To amuse myself the Christmas tree is up (really must get a green one for next year), all presents are wrapped and all cards are written.  Hurrah!

The only Oliver car not snowed in at the moment