Wednesday 15 December 2010

Don't panic

We did indeed manage to venture outdoors on Friday.  Admittedly it was only to the local supermarket and Post Office, but that's okay as we managed to escape our fevered cabin for a few hours.  Hurrah!

Our joy at leaving the house was evident.  The Little One sat in the trolley for hours, content at watching anything and everything without the hint of boredom. I on the other hand didn't mind the 15 minute wait at the PO whilst we queued and then slowly got all the packages weighed and posted off, then happily spent over two hours in the supermarket going up and down every aisle.  This may be the cure to my impatience - lock me up for over a week! 

All parcels and cards have been posted and with a bit of luck won't get caught up in the further delays which the forecasted snow and blizzards are likely to bring (we have that to look forward to on Thursday seemingly.  Can't wait).  The kitchen cupboards are now fully stocked on the off chance that we do become snowed in over Christmas (but hopefully not!).  So, at the risk of jinxing ourselves, we're as organised as we can be for the next couple of weeks ahead.

Although our 'big thaw' began 4 days ago and all hints of snow in our path are long gone, the pavements are still treacherous.  Using the stroller to get from A to B isa no-go as the snow is still too deep at some parts (never mind trying to get over the mounds to attempt to cross a road) and I don't trust my balance on the ice to use a baby carrier.  So it looks like the Little One and I will be indoors for the time being unless we're accompanied with Daddy, who thankfully has been blessed with some balance.

But it's got me thinking about how I'll cope in this kind of weather when I return to work.  I really have no idea how I'd manage to get to and from the childminders in these conditions.  I don't drive so my only option would be to walk.  How do other people manage?  Depending on how long this weather continues for it's a question I'll need to learn the answer to shortly.  My maternity leaves finishes this week and next week I'll be into my annual leave, then I'm on that slippery road of four more weeks until I return to work. 

Although I always knew I'd be returning to work I can't say I'm looking forward to returning to the office full time.  My flexible working request was rejected and the only sensible option for me at the moment is to return to my current position full time.

We think we've found a chldminder.  Once that's finalised that will be a big tick on the to-do list, but it also makes me having to leave the Little One in the hands of another carer all that more real.  How am I supposed to be focussed on work when I'm wondering what he is doing and if he's okay?  The Little One and I have hardly been separated for the past 8 months and not being with him from 8am-6pm throughout the week is going to be really hard (and I really, really do not want to spending my first few days back at work close to tears).

How am I going to manage to get us all organised so there isn't a daily morning rush to get out of the house on time?  Or manage to not be so knackered in the evenings that I'm not silently counting down the minutes at tea time and bath time to when the Little One goes to sleep, so I can do the chores that need to be done, then fall down shattered on the couch?  How will I cope if I miss him say his first word, or miss him taking his first 'proper' steps?  

Lots of questions.  Lots of anxiety.  Yup, the panic of returning to work has set in.  

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