Thursday 16 September 2010

Invading the Housties

This weekend was an exciting one.  We all went on the ferry across the Irish Sea to sample some of that famous Norn Iron hospitality and visited the wonderful Houston family. 

To say I was excited is somewhat an understatement as I hadn't seen Cheryl & David for over a year and the girls even longer, but most exciting of all, it was my first chance to meet Jonathan who's already a whopping 10 months - just where does the time ago!

We caught the ferry from Cairnryan to Larne which brought back memories for me as it's been at least 10 years since I was last on a ferry to Northern Ireland, listening to my M People CD on my CD walkman. "What's a CD walkman mummy?" would be the Little One's question if he was a little older.  Ah dear, makes me feel old!  With no delays and excellent map reading skills from moi (yeah right), we reached our destination in good time and just in time for dinner, which, as always was a fantastic meal from Cheryl. 

On the Saturday everyone (well except Kimberley who had a party to go to) all packed into the Houston's people carrier and headed Belfast town way.  We visited the Victoria Square shopping centre for the fantastic views of Belfast from it's dome.  I wasn't bright enough to take pictures, but you can get an idea of what I mean from their website here. You literally get a 360 view of the whole of Belfast - brilliant idea.  Plus Cheryl and I managed to find the time to do a bit of shopping, including the mandatory visit to Primark, where I managed to get the remainder of the winter clothes I was wanting for the Little One.

On the Sunday we headed to the coast and took a drive around the Antrim coast to Portrush.  The views were fantastic and considering it was an overcast day, it must be stunning to see on a clear, sunny day.


 Driving along the Torr Head Rd (aka a scary single track, steep, windy road for a city girl like me)


Then before we knew it, it was Monday morning and time to pack up our bags, say our goodbyes, and begin the journey back home on a very wet ferry.

Departing from Larne

The Little One with his new friends

In other news, there's been changes afoot at the Other Half's work.  The interview for the new job positions as part of the resturucture process went well and this week he found out that he'd been offered one of the more senior positions.  His new job officially starts in November (I think).

The Little One continues to get stronger every day.  His feet are now best friends with his mouth and since the recent discovery of rolling over from back to front, he's worked out that with a lot of effort he can roll towards things and grab them (and fingers crossed tire himself out - the boy just does not want to nap during the day!)  After a little trip to Ikea at the start of the week, the weaning process commenced and I had a very, VERY proud Little One smiling at me from his high chair yesterday morning.  So far he's loving his purees - fingers crossed it continues.

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