Friday 27 August 2010

August in review

Since August is quickly turning to September, I'm thinking a quick highlight of the month almost past will suffice for now.

The Little One loved having his big cousins and aunty T come to visit at the start of the month.  Jade and Brooke stayed with us for a few days before heading to Granny & Seanair's for the rest of their stay.  The Little One fell in love with Miss "I get all the smiles" Jade, Brooke found a new best friend and I, of course, made the most of the free nannying services!

At the start of the month we said farewell to our white wagon and hello to our new car.  Thanks to Granny & Seanair we now have a proper, grown up, family car.  The Passat makes life so much easier. Not 3, not 4, but 5 doors; lots of space and a huge boot.  Being the delicate flower that I am, I've already managed to break the front passenger handle.  You can get in, but you can't get out... Mwahawhawhaw! 

We had another farewell as the Kelly's leave sunny Scotland to move to Oz in just over a week.  Eek.  So soon.  Whilst work will definitely not be the same without Elaine, I'm so excited for them and their new adventures!

The Little One had his 4 month vaccinations towards the middle of the month and once again he was a brave boy with hardly a squeal during the injections.  Speaking of brave, he's continued his shinty tour of Scotland this month and managed to visit a sunny (yes, I know!) Fort William. 

He's also been a busy little one learning new tricks.  Great amusement has been had with the 'taking dummy out of mouth and putting it back in' game, the discovery of those little things at the end of our legs (I predict that feet will be in mouth before long) and the beginnings of being able to roll over from back to front.  I could no longer resist the temptation and bought a baby walker for when the time comes.  To justify the purchase, I bought one which can also be a rocker, therefore becoming a 2 in 1 toy. 


Whilst the Little One is still a wee bit to young for his new toy he has had a quick test drive.

But most exciting of all, I eventually put our Tesco vouchers to good use and used them to book the ferry to visit the Houston's in N.Ireland next month - we can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Your little boy is so cute - I love it when they discover they have feet and you're right they will very soon be right in his mouth! You have so much to look forward to with all his new discoveries and stages. Good idea getting the double purpose walker, I have so much plastic crap in the house I wish I'd thought of that!
